13 Questions to Maximize Your Onboarding Efforts

  By Melanie Korn

Category: Articles

The retention of valued employees starts on the first day. No matter how much or how little experience an employee has the first day of a new position is difficult. Employees are excited to start their new position and become confident after multiple interviews and discussions that they can do the job, but when they arrive at the office and no one seems to know who they are or what they will be doing that confidence is quickly eliminated.

In David Lee’s summary of 13 Questions to Maximize your Onboarding Efforts, he shares important yet practical ways to ensure your new hires are set up for success.

  1. Do we make our new hires feel welcome?

On any new hire’s first day it is essential to ask the new hire how they are feeling. Acknowledge their fears, stresses and excitement. And for those looking to improve their onboarding process, take the time to ask those who’ve been on the job a month or two how welcome they felt the first day, the first week, and the first month.


  1. Do we inspire pride?

On the first day how can you let know each new hire that they’ve joined a company that is great and going places?


  1. Do we connect them with the big picture?

Here’s where often companies miss it… often times new hires jump right into the work and the overwhelming task for getting “things” done… it’s most important that the time is taken to help each new hire understand the mission, vision, goals, and uniqueness of the company. The more engaged they will be from the outset.


  1. Do we show them how much they matter?

Whether it’s taking a new hire to lunch or offering up a quick cup of coffee, thing through the hospitality on how you can welcome this hire that is starting out as a guest but will soon be a familiar face.


  1. Do we collect and share stories?

Each employee loves to hear they are part of something bigger than themselves. Find ways to communicate that greatness through great stories during the onboarding process. Embody the unique personality of your company; convey what its like to work at your company; illustrate the great things your company does, and demonstrate how employees make a difference.


  1. Do we make our orientation interesting and interactive?

Is the onboarding process for your company a total snooze-fest?


  1. Do we make our process employee-centric or employer-centric?

Just a little bit goes a long way… analyze your onboarding process from the new hire’s perspective. How do they feel? What might they perceive? How are they interacting with and gaining first impressions?


  1. Have we broken our orientation program down into bite-sized chunks?

Imagine it’s your first day… how much can you take it?


  1. Are we offloading as much information as we can onto our intranet?


  1. Do we make it easy for new hires to get the information they need?

Emphasize to each employee that it is more than Ok to ask for help and set up a “glad to help you” culture.


  1. Do we make it easy for new hires to tell us how they’re doing?

What’s your follow up process after initial onboarding? Many companies offer mentorship programs or other key steps for new hires to check in and troubleshoot.


  1. Do we have an effective mentoring program?

See what we did there? A mentorship program as part of your ongoing efforts long after onboarding is just that important.


  1. Do we help our managers do their part well?

Similar to mentorship programs, offering employees engagement and performance reviews with management is key to hearing concerns and acting on them.

Performance metrics for the first 30-60-90 days are critical. What do you expect them to know and/or be able to handle at the end of 30 days, at 60 days, at 90 days? Take the time to determine this and write it down. Share this information with the new hire and let them know that the metrics will be reviewed weekly. As in everything else……communication is the key to success!

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